Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Trail Running 2020 - Update

What a year this has been so far. Almost all races (like everything else) cancelled this year due to COVID.

But one of the three 100+ mile Ultras I signed up for this year is still on. They lost all the sponsors, aid stations likely to be unmanned. They are taking all the precautions possible. Start line released in small waves, food served in packaged portions, hand sanitizer, distancing, etc.

With only One race for the whole year, I'm really happy its this one. 200km (125mi) will be a new distance PR and I'm going for it. I've had some lower back pain issues in recent months, who knows how that will play out after 30-40 hours on my feet in sand. But it'll have to be brutal for me to drop out.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Trail running 2020

I stopped updating this last year. Partly because I procrastinated on making post-race writeups until I'd forgotten the details. Partly because #noonecaresyourunultras. I lost interest really.

This year I'm changing things up. In the past I've run 10-12 races per year, from 5k to 100 miles. I can't afford and don't have time for all that, so...

I'm dropping everything but the three hardest races I know of in Central IL.

Potawatomi 100 mile
Cry Me a River (CMAR) 100 mile
Temptation 200km (125 mile)

They're each a couple months apart, fortunately. And different goals for each.

For Pot100 I want to significantly beat my previous time. CMAR I just want to finish that 100 before the cutoff and not die. Temptation I want to finish the full 200km this time.